May 13, 2016

Scheffler turns ONE.

Hard to believe it's already been a year with Scheffler in our lives but somehow he feels like he's always been here. Little man loves his brother and it dying to start running around with him. Regardless of desire, Scheffler is not close to walking. He never crawled and at this point think we don't think he will. He has gotten quite mobile by shooting himself around on his butt. He sits with his feet crossed and pulls himself with his hands and feet. We asked the doctor about it at his one year well check and he stated that crawling was not a developmental milestone and not anything to be concerned about. He is trying to pull himself up but since he isn't in the crawling position it's much harder to do. But he's close and is as happy as can be just scouting along 

He loves his real food and eats better than his older brother sometimes. We haven't found much he doesn't like but he loves hot dogs, bananas, pancakes, waffles, Pirate's Booty, applesauce, cheese, pasta, and chicken. Okay, a lot of stuff. We have been blessed with two really good eaters and couldn't be happier about that. 

He's starting to love cars, thankfully, just like his brother. He loves to be outside, swing, go for walks, and bang the pots and pans together. He hates being in the car, being rocked to sleep, loud noises, and being left alone for more than .002 seconds. 

If it's possible, I think that he's an even happier baby then Henry was. Henry was one of those babies that needed to be help when he slept, for a long time. He got off to a rough start nursing. Scheffler napped like a champ on his own early on and nursed great from the start. These are both things I attribute to having done it once already. Scheffler is so go with the flow and it makes life with two so much easier.

It's been a great year and I think the one thing I look forward to the most for the next year is watching Henry and Scheffler grow together. The older they get, more the gap between them will shrink and the bettie friends they will become. I look forward to the day Scheffler can run around the back yard and chase his big brother around. 

Below are some pictures from the day and his one year stats {spoiler alert: he's still huge}. We didn't do anything too crazy, like I said before, the day is more for me then him. We will celebrate both boys next weekend with our family and friends.

Started off the day with donuts, because, duh. 

 Henry helped me make cupcakes for the birthday boy. He picked out funfetti with blue vanilla icing.

Clearly the cupcake was a hit. He's ready for the smash cake now.

A little side by side Henry and Scheffler on their first birthdays. Similar but still pretty different. Scheffler is over four pounds heavier than Henry was.

30lbs 12oz

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