May 11, 2016

Scheffler's One Month Post

At this point we were all adjusting to having a family of four. But Scheffler was being just the best baby he could be. He was nursing like a champ and sleeping as well as a baby that was a month old could. He was in 3-6 month clothing and working on tummy time (but hating it.)

During this time Henry was still going to the sitter, for multiple reasons, but mainly for him. Yes, seriously. Here's the thing. Scheffler was nursing every two hours during the day for 30ish minutes at a time and 3-year-olds are not great at entertaining themselves. So what was he doing while I nursed? Too much screen time. I'll admit it. It was a crutch. It was my babysitter for him at home. But nursing is hard and I needed peace to do it. So we became slaves to YouTube and Netflix. But he was happy, Scheffler was eating and therefore I was happy. But I knew that I couldn't do that all day with him. So he went to Ms. Stephanie's and had a great time with his friends. He ran around outside, got to go swimming and be three. Because here's something no one tells you about having a baby right before summer, it's hard because it's hot. I couldn't swim because I'd just given birth and it was just so hot to have Scheffler outside for very long. Sitting on the deck was one thing but long outdoor adventures were tough. Also, I'd have to nurse if we were out for too long and this was hard for a few reasons. One, Henry would possibly have to sit with me wherever I chose to do it, probably not gonna happen.  Two, it is hot undercover for a baby when nursing. Three, although more comfortable then I was with Henry, I never got totally comfortable nursing in public. I could care less if you do but it just isn't really for me. Side note: it tuned out not to really by for Scheffler either. He HATED eating under a blanket but who could blame him. 

Scheffler was growing like a weed and we couldn't have been happier. 

10LBS 12OZ

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