May 11, 2016

Henry Three Year Post

In the midst of being 8+ months pregnant, I had a two year old becoming a three year old. I was desperate to potty train him and he couldn't have cared less. He showed flickers of interest but it would be another two months before he was truly potty trained. I learned, and hope to remember, that potty training is absolutely something you cannot teach a child. They have to be ready and part of that is physical and part is mental. We bribed and pleaded and begged. He didn't care. Finally, we went to my parents' house for a couple weeks and it clicked. Well, sort of, he got number one down VERY quickly, number two would take another couple months to truly achieve. But he was out of pull-ups at night quickly as well. 

Meanwhile, we were, unknowingly, barreling head first for the Threenager year. 

But for now we had a fairly sweet boy. He still was a great sleeper, rarely sick, and a good eater. He's hardly met a food he didn't like. He takes after Nick in body type and is tall and skinny. This as turned out to be a challenge because people think he is older than he is and expect him to act older. My mom dealt with this with my brother and I'm sure there is much more of this in my future with Henry and Scheffler (who is even bigger.)

We had his 3rd birthday party a few weeks early, since I was due only two weeks after his birthday. It was a train theme and Nick's dad made him a beautiful train table for his Brio set. He's obsessed with it to this day. Many hours have been spent playing on it and I don't see that changing anytime soon. 

A few pictures from his party and his three year old stats are below. 

It's posts like this that are really making me wish I had blogged better over the past two year but empowering me to keep up with it now. 

Singing Happy Birthday

The amazing train table made by his Grandpa (Nick's Dad). 

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