We are so fortunate to have so many people that came to celebrate Henry's first birthday with us. We'd really been looking forward to this weekend for a long time. It it always fun to get together with everyone and especially to celebrate our amazing little boy.
The weekend, however, did not start out well. I was supposed to have baseball games to cover Friday night, but after it rained most of the day they got cancelled. I was so happy to have the whole evening to prepare for the party. But the rain we thought was a blessing turned out to be a curse. When Nick and I arrived home from work we quickly (but not quickly enough) realized that the drain on our walkout was clogged and we had 1-2inches of standing water on it. This could only mean one thing, our basement was flooded as well. The water had leaked in through the door and our entire carpet was soaked. I mean soaked. When you stood on it the water came up between your toes. So Nick headed to Kroger to get a Rug Doctor and my good friend Mindy came over to watch Henry while we quickly moved everything to dry land. Nick spent the next 4 hours running the Rug Doctor with only a short break for dinner. Thankfully his parents came down with another fan and a de-humidifier. It was dry enough for my brother to sleep down there on Saturday night. Luckily we are only going to lose one bookshelf (shelf only no books) and the carpet is all dry now and there isn't ant smell. Needless, to say this not how we needed to spend the evening with 20+ people heading over the next day.
But the show must go on and we had decided on a baseball theme for our All-Star. Many would think this would cause some arguments in our house. In case you don't know Nick is an avid Reds fan and I a Cardinals. So which would we choose? I mean you can't have both. Well I guess you could. But what it came down to was the Reds/Cardinals themed decorations, plates, etc were twice as expensive at Party City. So generic baseball it was. We had a great time and enjoy the pictures below. Thanks you everyone that came from near and far to celebrate. We are so appreciative to have friends and family that love Henry so much.
The shirt that I made for the birthday boy. |
The birthday banner I made for Henry. |
Our "concession stand" that had sunflower seeds, peanuts, popcorn and cracker jacks. |
The awesome! cake made by our friend Stacey. |
Singing "Happy Birthday" He loved it. |
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