Ok, yes, this was nearly a month ago, but I just uploaded the pictures to my computer. Can't have a post without pictures! Not that I took nearly enough.
On January 5th we headed up to Muncie with Henry in tow for the Ball State Men's Volleyball Alumni Match. It was a lot of fun to see everyone and gave Nick a chance to play with his old teammates and his brother.
I also got a great surprise when I ran into the head athletic trainer at Mizzou, Rex Sharp. Rex was up there for a reunion of his own and they were at the alumni game. Rex was my mentor for two years and is the reason I went to Ball State in the first place. When I was a senior in high school I knew that I wanted to be an athletic trainer and my dad set up a meeting with Rex and myself. I joined their student athletic training program when I got there (Fall of 2002) and quickly learned I could not stay because I would not be able to sit for the certification exam because they did not have a program. Rex immediately told me that I should go to Ball State, his alma mater and where he was once the head athletic trainer. So after two years at Mizzou that's just what I did. And the rest is history.
But enough about me, haha. It was a great weekend. We finally got to meet Jenna Termion, the daughter of our friends Mark and Katie. She was such a cutie! After the match we went out to dinner at everyone's favorite Mexican place in Muncie, Puerta Vallarta! Yum. Except for the glass in my margarita buts that neither here nor there.
We were very lucky because Nick's parents came up to Muncie to watch and stayed the night and so they let Henry sleep in their room so we could go out! It was a lot of fun to see everyone and catch up. Hope we can do it again next year!
Nick and Henry after the match
The 3 of us
Nick and his roommate of 4 years Ian.
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