Ok, so it's been way too long since we posted. But really we haven't been doing much since I was so pregnant. But now it's time for you to meet our little man and for me to tell you about how we met him, (not too detailed I promise.)
It all started on the morning of May 5th, but we didn't know it at the time. I woke up that morning with terrible back pains and now I know this was most likely the beginning of my labor. So my worst fear almost came true and I could've delivered on Derby Day in Louisville if things had progressed more quickly. We spent the day watching local coverage of the Kentucky Derby, which was so very entertaining, and basically laying around because I felt so bad.
By Sunday I felt better and wanted to get out of the house. So we went to Steak 'n Shake and then to see The Avengers. When we got home I just didn't feel right. There was something nagging me to go in and even though I didn't want to be one of those mothers that gets sent home multiple times before giving birth, we headed in around 7pm.
In triage they told us that my water had not broken but that my blood pressure was elevated and they were going to talk with the doctor to decide what to do. Shortly there after they decided to keep us! A combination of my elevated blood pressure, the fact that his due date was the next day and that he was being estimated at over 9lbs, was why they decided to keep us.
We started calling and texting everyone and shortly got moved into the room where I would deliver. We settled in for the night and tried to get some sleep but anyone that has ever stayed in a hospital knows how hard that is.
They started me on the Pitocin drip around 12:30am to get things moving and broke my water around 8:30am to really try to speed things up. I had my epidural by 9am and started to push around 4:30pm. I couldn't feel much with the epidural so they turned it off and around 5:30 I started trying again and our little bundle was here at 7:03pm! And he was kind enough to come on his due date.
Welcome the newest Cardinal fan to the world:
Henry Joseph Meyer
8lbs 4oz
21 inches